What is the solution to the situation of punishment for drunk driving?

Kyungchon Immigration Lawyers Introduced by the Korea Federation of Legal Affairs MBC, KBS, SBS, JTBC, Yonhap News, TV Chosun News, Channel A News, Chosun Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo

Kyungchon Immigration Lawyers Introduced by the Korea Federation of Legal Affairs MBC, KBS, SBS, JTBC, Yonhap News, TV Chosun News, Channel A News, Chosun Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo

Good morning This is Kyungchon SOS Criminal Center. You can see it as a mistake once, but if mistakes are repeated, they cannot be seen as mistakes. In the past, people thought it was wrong to have a drink and use their own cars, but if they reflect on themselves, the prevailing atmosphere was that they should take good measures. However, as a result of overlooking it once or twice, the number of innocent victims by driving and colliding drunk again despite similar criminal records has increased, raising social awareness and calling for severe punishment. Among them, the binary out contents prescribed by the Road Traffic Act were judged unconstitutional on the grounds that the law was insufficient, and the revision was implemented on April 4 this year. The weighted period of recidivism is defined as 10 years and aggravated punishment is required.

Specific level of punishment for drunk driving binary out

If the blood alcohol concentration is 0.03% to 0.2%, you will be sentenced to more than 1 year in prison or fined more than 5 million won to 20 million won, and if it exceeds 0.2%, you will be sentenced to 2 to 6 years in prison or a heavy sentence of 10 to 30 million won. In addition, if you are involved in the crime of refusing to measure, you should be aware that a sentence of 1-6 years or 5-30 million won can be sentenced, and you should be able to appeal for leniency on clear cases from the police investigation stage. The leniency should be based on submitting various sentencing data and sincere reflection, so you should be able to persuade the court that there is no risk of re-offending.

If the blood alcohol concentration is 0.03% to 0.2%, you will be sentenced to more than 1 year in prison or fined more than 5 million won to 20 million won, and if it exceeds 0.2%, you will be sentenced to 2 to 6 years in prison or a heavy sentence of 10 to 30 million won. In addition, if you are involved in the crime of refusing to measure, you should be aware that a sentence of 1-6 years or 5-30 million won can be sentenced, and you should be able to appeal for leniency on clear cases from the police investigation stage. The leniency should be based on submitting various sentencing data and sincere reflection, so you should be able to persuade the court that there is no risk of re-offending.

if someone ran away for fear of punishment

In fact, many people run away after seeing the crackdown in front of them while drinking, or turn the steering wheel and run away without getting out of the car after an accident. In some cases, the police may also try to shake it off and run away even though they have requested measurements. In this case, many people have their licenses suspended or revoked due to previous mistakes and are not licensed. However, if you refuse to measure and run away after pushing or hitting a police officer with a car, you should never do this because charges such as obstructing the execution of hit-and-run special duties will be added after the accident and severe punishment will be possible.

Dangerous Driving Death or Injury Given at the Time of an AccidentThe Yoon Chang-ho Act also has detailed regulations under the Road Traffic Act, and there are regulations that apply when a person is injured or killed in an accident when drunk, such as dangerous driving resulting in death or injury. First of all, chisels can be sentenced to 1-15 years in prison and fined 10-30 million won, and if they cause death, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment or more than 3 years. In addition, if you run away without relief measures despite the fact that there are casualties, additional sentences may be added, so please deal with it with Kyungchon Immigration Lawyer, a law firm that has completed registration specializing in criminal law.The Yoon Chang-ho Act also has detailed regulations under the Road Traffic Act, and there are regulations that apply when a person is injured or killed in an accident when drunk, such as dangerous driving resulting in death or injury. First of all, chisels can be sentenced to 1-15 years in prison and fined 10-30 million won, and if they cause death, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment or more than 3 years. In addition, if you run away without relief measures despite the fact that there are casualties, additional sentences may be added, so please deal with it with Kyungchon Immigration Lawyer, a law firm that has completed registration specializing in criminal law.If you’re in danger of leaving the companyIn fact, there may be a documentation of criminal cases where the punishment is guilty of the company, it may be fired.Mr. A was a company, who was arrested in the old drunk state.Despite that, it was repeatedly repeatedly, it was likely to be sentenced to prison after 400 million won a sentence, and he was sentenced to prison after 400 million won a sentence.The idea of the law was requested to avoid imprisonment.In such cases, the case record is necessary to collecting and submit the sentence materials necessary for a certain request for a certain request for a certain request.Before the trial date, I was able to know the last statement.As a result, the court was sentenced to a fine sentence and escape from retirement crisis.In fact, A is accepted part of various sentences, A is accepted by the action of the action of being punished by not a handle.In fact, there are cases where company regulations say that if you are convicted of a criminal case and your sentence is confirmed, you will be fired. Mr. A is an office worker and has a history of being caught driving while drunk. Nevertheless, he repeated the same mistake again and naturally faced a retirement crisis, and after the summary order of 4 million won, he was likely to be sentenced to prison with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.147%. He had asked for legal assistance with the intention of avoiding prison sentences. In such cases, it is essential to closely analyze the case records while collecting and submitting sentencing data necessary for commutation of sentences for clients who are certain to be guilty. Ahead of the trial date, I made sure that A was fully aware of the last statement in advance. As a result, the court sentenced A to a fine and was able to escape the retirement crisis. Naturally, in addition to various sentencing data, Mr. A’s emphasis on preventing re-offending was accepted by the court for his act of disposing of the vehicle and never even holding the steering wheel again.This is a matter that needs to be dealt with in accordance with the binary out situation of drunk drivingKyungchon Immigration Lawyers, a law firm, is a criminal law lawyer and has numerous successful cases of first-time crimes, recidivism, drunk driving detection and accident situations more than three to four times. It is a case that focuses more on leniency instead of distinguishing guilt from innocence, so if you or someone in your family is currently in danger of being indicted on the charges, we recommend contacting Kyungchon Law Firm to find a solution. Introduction by Kyungchon Immigration Lawyer<Law Firm Kyungchon> Immigration Lawyer Introduction Law Firm Kyungchon Immigration Lawyer is a lawyer specializing in criminal law of the Korea Bar Association. Legal issues depend on the outcome… blog.naver.com<Law Firm Kyungchon> Immigration Lawyer Introduction Law Firm Kyungchon Immigration Lawyer is a lawyer specializing in criminal law of the Korea Bar Association. Legal issues depend on the outcome… blog.naver.comGeneral counseling for Kyungchon Law Firm) TEL:02-2038-3588 Emergency counseling) TLE:010-2365-3588General counseling for Kyungchon Law Firm) TEL:02-2038-3588 Emergency counseling) TLE:010-2365-3588Gyeongcheon Immigration Law Firm, 5th floor of 176, Seocho Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, SeoulGyeongcheon Immigration Law Firm, 5th floor of 176, Seocho Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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